Welcome to Cosmic Homeopathy


What is Cosmic Homeopathy ?

Cosmic Homeopathy is a concept based on an understanding that all energy of this planet is received from the cosmos, mainly via cosmic light.
This light vibrates – everything vibrates - at specific frequencies - and it is essential to absorb these frequencies by assimilation – as do plants, by photosynthesis. 

The light frequencies must enter our remarkable cells. 

If we don’t achieve this we are seriously out of balance – we are not functioning effectively and this unbalanced state makes us susceptible to illness.
All visible objects are coloured, therefore all remedies are coloured – and, in our state of ‘dysfunction’ we will not be assimilating these colour energies in a balanced way.  A practitioner using Homeopathy would give remedies that vibrationally resonate with the frequencies required to redress the unbalanced state.

How to detect the cosmically unbalanced state.

The main gems reflecting cosmic light used in this process are: Ruby (red), Pearl (orange), Coral (yellow), Emerald (green), Moonstone (blue), Diamond (indigo) and Sapphire (violet). 

By utilising the seven gems (used in Ayurvedic medicine) an experienced radiesthesist would be able to determine the colour weakness, using a body specimen, such as a nail sample - by dowsing. This sample retains its energy connection with the person from whom it was taken. By holding the sample and a pendulum a response would be witnessed when swinging the pendulum towards gems placed in an arc in front of the practitioner. The nail/pendulum would be electro-magnetically attracted to gems that resonate with the required frequency of the specimen.
The colour vibrational resonance of gems and remedies can be determined in a similar way.

The pendulum oscillating towards the bottle containing sapphire would indicate an inability to efficiently absorb the violet part of the solar spectrum.
The next step would be to refer to the case notes and cosmic colour files to search for an appropriate remedy and one that resonates with violet.
With this approach the practitioner would be in a position to influence health changes by 'tracking' the cosmic colour deficiencies as the body displays symptom changes.

Plants receive cosmiclight andassimilates this light energy by photosynthesis - converting it to a specific energy form.When plants die anddecay they leave behind residues of energy, which can be utilised by insects and other microscopiclife form.  

If the plant is not receiving good nutrients then neither are we.

Animals eat plants-and soour food is effectively, processed cosmic light.

Client Testimonials 


"John Twigg introduced me to Cosmic Homeopathy and opened up a whole new dimension to my studying and understanding of homeopathy and remedies. John was able to identify the right remedy for my autistic 9 year old son by testing his fingernails. The colour "yellow" came up and Phosphorus in particular. The improvements in mood and attention span and language ability were quite immediate. The importance of light and colours in remedies was a complete revelation to me, yet I know now these aspects are real and deserve to be researched and put into practice by homeopaths. I also discovered the validity of dowsing, which was another "shock" to my way of thinking and it's now an integral part of my practice". 

Swine Flu

At the age of 21 there was a widespread swine flu virus sweeping the country. I finished work early and quickly became very ill. Luckily my sister came out to me as I was now at a point where I couldn’t even reach the phone that was at the side of my bed. I had become very scared because I had never felt anything like this before and I knew that something was seriously wrong with me. I asked my sister to call John Twigg. I took the remedy that was given to me and within 5 minutes I was up and out of bed. I had never witnessed flu like that in my life and I haven’t since. I have also never witnessed a cure that fast either. It’s safe to say that I went from fearing for my life to having zero flu type symptoms within 15 minutes, then I went on to go out with my friends that same evening.


I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 9 after suffering from a spin-off virus of meningitis called encephalitis, not long after having my meningitis vaccination.
I had epilepsy from the age of 9 to 14 years old. Between these years, I had suffered from multiple fits including some major grand mals. I was taking Epilim 500mg and was always terrified if I accidentally missed taking my tablet, making me fear for my life each time. I was 14 years old on the night that changed my life; It was the early hours of the morning and I had fitted but this time my mother called John Twigg, who did not hesitate to drive out and take my case. I believe that I was prescribed with Calc Carb and within the hour I was feeling a lot better and a lot happier. I instantly felt saved from this dark cloud that had hung over me and terrified me for 5 years. I quickly forgot to take Epilim 500mg. I have not taken any conventional pharmaceuticals since and I can’t stress how healthy I feel. I used to live every day thinking that at any second I could suffer from a seizure and my days on this earth would be over. Reminiscing upon this brings tears to my eyes due to how happy I am that John Twigg has blessed me with the opportunity to live without that constant fear. I will forever be in debt to the man that changed my life and guided me to a lifetime of knowledge and health.

Arthritis, Hernia & Nerve Damage

I was told by the Rheumatologist I would be in a wheelchair in 2 years. I decided to see John. I never got to the wheelchair.
Several years later John advised me to have surgery for a huge hernia and gave me a series of remedies to take with me. I was out of bed 8 hours after surgery and experienced no pain whatsoever.  A problem later developed with damaged nerve endings. An excessive urinary problem accompanied by fluid build-up gave me great concern. John has solved all of my health problems, including the above mentioned.

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