What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses the body’s own energies to implement a repair. It is perceived that this system works mainly by diluting remedies, to a point where they become energetically compatible with energy levels the cells best respond to - and at such levels substances (medicines) can be vastly more effective – because they become much more easily (and gently) usable. However, 
I point out that homeopathy is not about 'dilution', it is actually more to do with 'similarities'. 
A symptom is a manifestation of the repair mechanism taking place - and in homeopathy a practitioner assists the body through this process by giving a substance ( in a safe form) that can match this 'symptom' state - this healing state, speeding up the natural repair function.
But it first is best to accept that all animals, including humans, have an inbuilt ability to self-repair. 
This self-repair mechanism can become ‘locked’ and requires the assistance of the energies contained in remedies to unblock the channels and pathways – allowing your amazing and complex body to heal itself.

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